Toddler Pack


Mommy Milestones


22 min. Milestones can be a little confusing and stressful. What do all the different developmental categories mean? How important is it to track your child’s milestones? What if your child isn’t accomplishing all the skills at the same pace as other children? This video helps a parent to make sense of their toddler’s development, learn what things they can do to help their child hit those milestones, and understand how to nurture their toddler’s good behavior. Topics include: • milestones • toddler milestones • child development • cognitive development • language development • speech development • social development • emotional development • motor development • progressive skills • temperament • areas of development • fine movements • teacher. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2017




12-15 Month Milestones


24 min. Your busy toddler is quickly learning new skills in the areas of cognitive development, language and communication development, social and emotional development, and physical development. Every month brings exciting, new advancements in what he can do. These videos cover the milestones your child will be hitting between twelve and fifteen months, the abilities he will be acquiring as he moves toward independence, and when to call your medical provider if problems occur. Topics include: • milestones • 12–15 months • cognitive development • language development • speech development • social development • emotional development • physical development • gross motor skills • fine motor skills • toddler • crawl • mobile skills • self-care. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2017




15-18 Month Milestones


19 min. Your busy toddler is quickly learning new skills in the areas of cognitive development, language and communication development, social and emotional development, and physical development. Every month brings exciting, new advancements in what he can do. These videos cover the milestones your child will be hitting between fifteen and eighteen months, the abilities he will be acquiring as he moves toward independence, and when to call your medical provider if problems occur. Topics include: • milestones • 15–18 months • cognitive development • language development • speech development • social development • emotional development • physical development • toddler • critical thinking • toddler’s personality • big movement skills • fine movements. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2017




18-24 Month Milestones


22 min. Your busy toddler is quickly learning new skills in the areas of cognitive development, language and communication development, social and emotional development, and physical development. Every month brings exciting, new advancements in what he can do. These videos cover the milestones your child will be hitting between eighteen and twenty-four months, the abilities he will be acquiring as he moves toward independence, and when to call your medical provider if problems occur. Topics include: • milestones • 18–24 months • cognitive development • language development • speech development • social development • emotional development • physical development • toddlers • thought process • language skills • vocabulary • big emotions • big movement • fine movement • toilet training. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2017




24-36 Month Milestones


21 min. Your busy toddler is quickly learning new skills in the areas of cognitive development, language and communication development, social and emotional development, and physical development. Every month brings exciting, new advancements in what he can do. This video covers the milestones a child will be hitting between twenty-four and thirty-six months, the abilities he will be acquiring as he moves toward independence, and when to call your medical provider. Topics include: • milestones • 24–36 months • cognitive development • language development • speech development • social development • emotional development • physical development • character traits • tantrums • toddlers • big movement • fine movement • potty training. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2018




Potty Training


25 min. This video shows the basics of potty training, including how to know when to start potty training; preparation for the big day; the “how to’s” of potty training; rewards and encouragement; dealing with disappointment; tips for boys; tips for girls. A 5.8 Flesch–Kincaid Grade Level score ensures information is easily understood. Topics include: • potty training • toddler • developmental skills • potty chair • wet diaper • underwear • bathroom • toilet training. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2015






19 min. Nothing says membership to the Mommy Club more than watching another mom struggle through a tantrum with her toddler. Every parent will eventually experience meltdowns in their children as they move through toddlerhood. What really causes tantrums? What can you do to help your child through this stage? How do you stop them, or better yet, can you prevent them altogether? And is this a normal phase of life or just bad behavior? This video will answer these questions, as well as give parents tips on how to cope when the going gets tough. Topics include: • toddler • meltdowns • bad behavior • feeling overwhelmed • strong-willed children • crying • screaming. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2019






18 min. Your toddler is so smart! As she grows and learns to talk, your toddler learns how to get what she wants! It’s an art. A finely honed skill. And she learns very quickly that nothing cuts to the core more than a well-placed, repetitious, whining demand. It wears you down until you’re screaming, “Uncle!” But if you give in, it will only get worse! In this video, we’ll look at what causes whining and what you can do to stop it! Topics include: • attention • feelings • behavior. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2019






25 min. They grow up together, live life together, and share a mom and dad. Sometimes they fight like cats and dogs; sometimes they show incredible kindness and sacrifice. And sometimes they hit each other because they are bored! They are siblings. This video sheds light on the unique relationship siblings have as they grow up together and work on interpersonal relationships, effective communication, and teamwork that will prepare them for adulthood. The video will give tips on how to parent your sibling children to build strong bonds and how to manage sibling rivalry. Topics include: • best friends • sibling relationships • new baby • bonding • sibling rivalry • bickering • parenting. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2017




Sleeping, Bedtimes, Mornings


18 min. You put them to bed, and before you know it, they’re back up again. Hungry, thirsty, lonely, not tired . . . how can you keep them in bed? Toddlers don’t want to miss out on anything, and often naps and bedtimes become a clash of wills. You can lead a toddler to bed, but how do you make them stay there? How much sleep do they need, and how many naps should they take? What does a good sleep schedule look like, and how can you achieve it? This video answers these questions and offers solutions for some of the most common sleep challenges a toddler faces, so that everyone can get a blissful night’s rest! Topics include: • toddler • bedtime • sleep schedule • nighttime sleep • daily naps • routines • (AAP). Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2019




Bonding with your Toddler


20 min. Raising confident and happy kids is really hard work! And even though parents don’t always do everything right, at the core is the bond they forge with their children. It begins early in infancy and grows throughout their lives. But how do you do it? In this video, we’ll talk about what it means to bond with your toddler and why it’s crucial for every parent to work at this relationship. We’ll also show you four simple ways to help develop this relationship and some fun things every parent can do to get closer to their toddler. Topics include: • bonding • toddler • three-minute rule • safe haven • available • consistent • empathetic • team • attachment • play • sing • read. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2019




Time With Toddler


19 min. The time you spend with your toddler is so important, and it is over so fast. Blink, and they’ll be in preschool! It may feel like you spend most of your time taking care of their needs, cleaning up their messes, and kissing their boo-boos. But the time you spend with them, even if you work outside the home, gives them exactly what they need! In this video, we talk about four important areas to develop in your parenting that will give you the most impact with the time you have. Topics include: • toddler • time • personality • emotional intensity • sensory reactivity • activity level • adaptability • persistence • independence • teaching • limits • new emotions. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2019




The Importance of Words


19 min. Your words are incredibly important to your child because you’re incredibly important to your child! Unfortunately, it’s hard to always say the right things. Words are powerful; they can build confidence and self-esteem, or in one heated moment, tear your child down. In this video, we’ll show you how you can grow your toddler through the power of your words, how to avoid saying the things that tear them down, and what to do when you mess up! Topics include: • toddler • words • shame • praise • behavior • character • love • tone • apologize. Closed Captioning English/Spanish©2019




I Can Do It Myself


20 min. Independent toddlers are sometimes talked about in a negative way. The truth, however, is that a spirit of independence is a good thing for them to have—but sometimes it comes out in difficult ways. In this video, we talk about how you can create a home that allows your toddler to develop the four important qualities they’ll need for independence. And we’ll talk about how you can nurture a spirit of independence in your child. Topics include: • toddler • encouragement • confidence • motivation • resilience • courage • independence • “I can do it myself!” Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2019




Toddler Play


22 min. You may think it’s all just fun and games when you watch a toddler play. But really, many of skills we need to be successful in life are learned in toddlerhood through play. Toddlers learn how to work with others, to share, to negotiate, and to develop decision-making and problem-solving skills. Best of all, they learn how to learn! Are you thinking, What? Well, come along as we journey into the life of a toddler to discover how playing teaches them so much! Topics include: • toddler • play • learning • movement • interaction • not-so-beneficial play • TV time • apps time • toddler media usage. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2020




Toddler Accidents


24 min. They hit the ground running and are into everything! Your busy, little toddler will be exploring, playing, and discovering so many new things. They will also discover gravity and many of the dangers that come from being human: bug bites, falls, bruises, cuts, and scrapes, just to name a few. Thankfully, toddlers heal well! This video looks at the many ways a toddler can get hurt and how your first-aid and loving hugs will save the day! Topics include: • toddler • accidents • exploring • playing • discovering • first aid • childproof home • choking hazards • falls • burns and scalds • bites and stings • poisoning • car crashes • sun safety • CPR • bruises and cuts • concussion. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2018




Toddler Safety


22 min. Toddlers are busy little explorers with lots of energy! They are fun, but they are into everything! As parents, we cannot prevent every injury or mishap, but we can put some important preventive measures in place to help stop serious, life-changing accidents. In this video, we will look at ways you can keep your busy toddler safe and what to do in an emergency. Topics include: • toddler • safety • first aid • CPR • choking • poison • water safety • burns and scalds • falls • car seat safety • helmets. Closed Captioning English/Spanish Medically Reviewed May 2024 ©2018




Toddler Illness


24 min. Your toddler is sick, and you’re worried! Maybe even a little disgusted! Ugh! Snotty noses, vomiting, or diarrhea everywhere—is it just a simple bug or something more? Do you go to the doctor now or wait? It’s challenging when our little ones are sick, and their bugs definitely take their toll on us all! In this video, we’ll look at the more common respiratory, digestive tract, and skin illnesses your toddler may contract, how to treat them, ways to help prevent illness, and when to call the doctor. Topics include: • toddler • illness • fevers • dehydration • home remedies for colds • RSV • flu • croup • hand, foot, and mouth disease • ear infections • gastroenteritis • constipation • rashes • sunburns • urinary tract infection (UTI). Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2018




Toddler Nutrition


20 min. Although toddlers share many things in common, they’re also each very unique. They know what they like and don’t like, which can also change from minute to minute. This is especially true when it comes to food. You want your toddler to get plenty of nutrition, but what do you do if they will only eat mac and cheese smothered in ketchup? Wouldn’t it be great if mealtimes were one area in which everyone could win? In this video, we’ll look at what your toddler needs nutritionally, how to teach them good eating habits early on, and how to call a truce and make mealtimes pleasant for everyone. Topics include: • toddler • nutrition • food • food groups • • vegetables • fruits • grains • proteins • dairy • snacks • mealtime routines • allergies • serving size. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2018




Toddler Oral Health


22 min. Your toddler has a mouthful of pretty white teeth. They can bite and chew and smile in a way that melts your heart. But how do you keep their teeth healthy, and it is even important to do so? After all, they are going to lose their baby teeth eventually. In this video, we will look at why your child’s oral health is important to their overall health, how to teach them good teeth-brushing habits, when to see the dentist, and what to do if your child has a dental problem. Topics include: • toddler • oral health • baby teeth • brushing habits • flossing • dental visits • preventing decay • six-month-old. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2018




Getting Your Child to Eat


27 min. Getting your child to eat can be a challenge. It's hard enough to get a kid to eat vegetables, but what do you do if you struggle to get your child to eat almost anything? The key is to be consistent and reward their good behavior; this lesson helps you do that! Learn simple methods to move forward without falling into the healthy food guilt trap. Plus, hear from other moms about their struggles and how they overcame them. Topics include: •Food•Eating•Mealtime•Boundaries•Healthy Food Habits•Consistency•Limits•Parenting Style•Reward•Discipline•Firm/Fun Balance•Easy Eater•Curious Eater•Picky Eater•Nutrition•Allergies•Role Model Closed Captions: English/Spanish ©2022

