Bible Study Pack


Giving God Your Worst: Offering Our Worst to God


18 min. **Trigger Warning: This video begins with a story of molestation and rape of a child.** Many look great on the outside, living what appear to be pious Christian lives, while struggling with sin on the inside. But God can see through the facades we build and can look into our hearts. In this first lesson, Dinah Monahan shares a horrible and painful event that happened in her life that brought her to her knees, where she was forced to examine a heart filled with hate and murder and offer up to God her worst. Topics include: •Bible Study•Offering our Worst•God•Sin•Facades•Hatred •Anger•Forgiveness•Surrender•Lies•Self-examination ©2020




Giving God Your Worst: The Painful Truth and Forgiveness


19 min. Surrender is a hard concept to understand. By admitting defeat to our own striving, and offering up our struggles to God, He begins changing our hearts. God knows every rotten thought, every hurt, insecurity, jealousy, and hateful or prideful thought. He is just waiting for you to be honest with yourself and to give these burdens to Him. He will make it right. Topics include: •Bible Study•Painful Truth•Forgiveness•Surrender •Taking on the Devil•Dying to Self•Heart Change•Ripple Effect ©2020




Giving God Your Worst: From Sinner to Saint


15 min. Have you ever thought, "If I could become a better person or more like another person, I would arrive at spirituality?" You're not alone. But did you know that God wants you exactly the way you are—the way He created you? And by accepting this and surrendering to Him, He can do the work in you He wants and change your heart. Topics include: •Bible Study•Sinner•Saint•Surrender•Spirituality•Trusting God•Condemnation•Shame ©2020




Giving God Your Worst: The Truth Shall Set You Free


23 min. The goal of the Christian is not to focus on self, but rather to die to self. If we are to be "living and holy sacrifices," then it requires that we do just that. This means surrendering our natural human responses to life's hurts and disappointments (anger, bitterness, hatred, insecurities, jealousy, pride, hurt, lust, and the other sins of the heart) openly and honestly to God. Topics include: •Bible Study•Truth Sets You Free•Today’s Climate •Self-Love•Dying to Self•Humility•Freedom in Christ•Living Sacrifice •Holy Sacrifice•Honesty ©2020




Giving God Your Worst: Surrendering Our Weakness


18 min. God takes us from hatred and bitterness to His rest and peace. But forgiveness is not about forgiving and forgetting, and it doesn't mean restoration with someone who harmed us. It is about surrendering our hearts to God, the good and the ugly. In surrendering our weaknesses. Topics include: •Bible Study•Surrender•Weakness•Forgiveness•Story of Sarah•Victimization•Restoration•God’s grace•Wretchedness•Sinful Nature ©2020




Giving God Your Worst: Gaining Victory


20 min. Spiritual maturity doesn't come from our accomplishments, but from recognizing what we are and feel, and from our willingness to surrender it all. We often try to control situations and outcomes to feel powerful. In order to grow spiritually, however, we must quit doing this and continually (for the rest of our lives) surrender our hearts to God. Topics include: •Bible Study•Gaining Victory•Control•Power•End of Story •Man’s Heart•Life of Surrender•Spiritual Maturity ©2020




Upside Down Love Lesson 1: The Bible


14 min. When you talk to other Christians, you may hear them say such things as, “Well, God says…” Or “God’s word says…” Have you ever wondered how they know what God says? Or what His word is? Simply, it’s the Bible. A collection of 66 books that lays out the Christian faith from the beginning of time. In this video we talk about why you can trust the Bible, why it’s accurate and relevant for today, and how God’s story intertwines with our own. Topics include: •The Bible •66 books •40 authors •Old Testament •New Testament •Historically accurate •Archeologically accurate •Truth •Justice •Prophecy •God’s love story •Church ©2021




Upside Down Love Lesson 2: Grace & Commands


13 min. Learning that Jesus loves and forgives you is amazing! But now what? What does it mean to be a Christian, and how does that change how you live? In this video, we talk about how God’s grace and instructions matter to you, and how His love, expressed in the act of forgiveness, changes EVERYTHING! Topics include: •Grace •Forgiveness •Commands •Sin •Debt •Evil •Trust •Jesus •Salvation •God •Love •The Bible •Church ©2021




Upside Down Love Lesson 3: The King Among the Cows


13 min. Have you ever met someone really famous? They likely had an entourage taking care of them and lots of paparazzi snapping pics of everything they did. They probably lived the life of luxury! Well, that is why Jesus’ birth and life are so strange! He is fabulously famous, rich, and powerful, and He is God! He is more important than any celebrity ever!! Yet He didn’t live in a royal mansion and wasn’t born in the best hospital. In fact, He was born in a barn, and this is completely upside down to what you would expect! Topics include: •Jesus •God •King •Cows •Royalty •Disciples •Born in barn •Death •God the Father •God the Son •God the Holy Spirit •One God •Humble beginnings •Jesus understands ©2021




Upside Down Love Lesson 4: The Faithful Fishermen


13 min. Have you ever stood between two teams and knew you wouldn’t be picked? Doesn’t it seem like the richest, prettiest, strongest, and smartest are always the ones to get ahead? But not with Jesus. He chose the lowly, the humble, the outcasts, and the poor to join Him—normal people with normal problems. His upside-down approach shows clearly that we are chosen, not because of something great about us, but because He is good and powerful, and THAT is GREAT news for us all! Topics include: •God •Jesus •Strong •Rich •Smart •Pretty •Humble •Lowly •Outcasts •Poor •Powerful •Heaven •Jesus Team •Disciples •Sinners •The Bible •Trinity •John •Peter •Andrew •James •Matthew •Nathaniel •God’s love •Perfection ©2021




Upside Down Love Lesson 5: The Servant Above the Served


14 min. Have you ever thought about what makes someone great? Is it lots of money, #followers, power, or popularity? Our thoughts, money, and time go toward supporting what culture says is great. But Jesus’ definition is upside down to the world’s. He said it’s the opposite of those things. That greatness is about serving others, which means putting God first, others second, and ourselves last. And this changes EVERYTHING! Topics include: •God •Jesus •Servant •Rich •Greatest •Greatness •Power •Strength •Wealth • Politicians •Disciples •The Bible •First •Last •Humble •Loving •Church •Love in action Closed Captions: English/Spanish ©2021




Upside Down Love Lesson 6: The Greatest Dying for the Least


11 min. How many leaders do you know who are willing to lay down their lives for others? Or do you know anyone willing to die just for you? Probably not! This is why it is so upside down to the world’s standards that the GREATEST leader of all, Jesus, did just that! One of the most amazing upside-down moments in history was when He was judged and condemned and undeservingly took our place on the cross to die for us to take away our sins. That huge turning point in ALL of time changes EVERYTHING in your life now and after you die. Topics include: death, material parts, immaterial parts, Bible, second death, righteous, perfect, sin, Jesus, God, trust Closed Captions: English/Spanish ©2021




Upside Down Love Lesson 7: The Guilty in Heaven


12 min. What would you say to God if He asked, “Why should I let you into Heaven?” Because you did your best? Because you were a good person? You did more good deeds than bad? How would you know if you even did enough to earn your place there? Well, none of that matters to how you get into heaven. The Bible tells us that you CAN’T earn it, you don’t deserve it—it is a gift given freely to us by a loving God. And that is upside down to what the world deems fair and just. Jesus really did turn everything upside-down with His life and message. Topics include: God, Jesus, Love, Forgiveness, Heaven, Truth, Bible, Performance, Rewards, Good deeds, Salvation, Death, Sin, Trust, New Creation, Upside-Down Closed Captions: English/Spanish ©2021




Unlocking the Gospel Video 1: Identity Matters - The Key Exists


18 min. There are few things more frustrating than struggling with a stuck lock that is jammed shut. You think you have the correct key inserted into the cylinder of the keyhole but the latch won’t move. You struggle with the key, wiggle it, pull the key in and out, but nothing happens. You wonder if you have the correct key. So, you try all the other keys on the ring, and even though you knew none of them would work before you tried them, you confirmed none of them fit. You go back to the first key, it slides in. You think this time the right key will open the door latch. Nothing happens. You wonder what will free the lock from being frozen? Obsession with a desire to become freed from bondage is similar. You may feel like you are stuck inside of a cage or locked inside of a dark room and wonder how to escape. Do you wonder why you make the choices you do? Or how you can make lasting changes in your life? The answers lie with Jesus.




Unlocking the Gospel Video 2: Receiving Jesus as My Savior


14 min. God offers you the key to unlock your future. We are saved by the grace of God through faith in the finished work of God’s only son, Jesus Christ. Receiving Jesus as Savior and becoming the recipient of this new identity is the key! But what does all that mean? Explore the concept of salvation to grow in Christ resulting in knowing and believing, that God has changed your identity from what you used to be. Become transformed with the Holy Spirit’s help by renewing your mind by God’s Word.




Unlocking the Gospel Video 3: Recognizing Satan


20 min. Can you imagine how it would feel to be released from feelings of shame, blame, and unworthiness? The good news is, you can! But it will take some hard work. Ever wondered why it’s so difficult to break free of nagging habits, irritating additions, or annoying thoughts? Here’s why: when we’re adopted into the family of God, no one erases the “hard drive” of our emotions, memories, or mistakes. We have relied on ourselves so long. Now we must reverse these patterns and be taught how to depend on Jesus.




Disciple: Your Unwritten Autobiography


31 min. When you think about how your life will go, what do you imagine? What do you want to accomplish? We all want our lives to count for something, make a difference, and have a purpose. This is the story of your life. Welcome to Disciple. In this 10-week course, you will explore a completely new story. A journey into significance, a foray into meaning, and an invitation to love. In this session you will consider God’s good plans for you no matter what has happened in your life. When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you will see that you already have everything you need to make an impact that will last forever. ©2021




Disciple: How the Story Starts


32 min. Have you ever thought about how Christianity started? This session starts with the story of Adam and Eve. Their sin left all of us spiritually dead—with the need to get back to the place of significance, acceptance, and security. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, that need is met for us. We are given a new identity—a child of God. In this session, you will discover the biggest case of identity theft there ever was. You will see what you lost and how to get it back. Through that, you will learn who you are now that you have come to Christ. We are not just physical beings; we are spiritual beings. ©2021




Disciple: A True Story


30 min. Do you tend to follow what you feel about who you are rather than what God says you are? Do you want to give up on God when life gets hard? Our culture teaches that absolute truth is socially unacceptable. In this session, you will learn to understand that faith is choosing to believe Jesus’s truth over your feelings and what our culture says. You will work out what God’s truth is and whether it is true for everyone. You will also learn what faith really is and how you can grow in it. ©2021




Disciple: The Story of the World


31 min. The world can try to knock you off your tracks sometimes. It encourages you to take on false identities and settle for less than what God wants for you. In this session you will look at the three enemies that want to deflect you from God’s truth. You will begin to consider who your enemies are—first, by learning what the world is, and then by how it seeks to tempt and entice us. You will also learn how the world presents a false picture of reality. ©2021




Disciple: The Story of the Flesh


26 min. Have you ever repeated a bad behavior long enough that it became a habit? It becomes “default programming.” We call the flesh “default programming.” Why is it so natural for us to sin? In this session, you will learn that we are fallen humans in need of a Savior. You can either choose to walk in the flesh or walk with God. You will learn how your desires are contrary to God’s and can misdirect you, but you can overcome that. The flesh is not something that God will switch off, but it is something you can overcome with Jesus. ©2021




Disciple: The Story of the Devil


28 min. Did you know that the devil is real? But did you know that he is already defeated, and you have the power to overcome his lies? There is a battle between good and evil. In this session, you will learn about the lies that come from the devil—the father of lies. You will discover who the devil really is, and what he can and cannot do. You will also see how the he holds you back but how you can overcome him every time. ©2021




Disciple: Truth and Emotions


29 min. Is your truth based on how it or you feel? Do you tend to give up quickly when things get hard in life? In this session you will begin to resolve the negative consequences from your past by focusing on your emotions. You are no longer a product of your past, but now a product of Christ’s past. Christ died on the cross for you. You will learn what emotions are and why God gave them to you. You will also discover how negative emotions can be changed over time. ©2021




Disciple: Forgiving From the Heart


33 min. Can you forgive? Have you ever struggled to forgive someone in your life? We all have at least once in our lifetime. Forgiveness is hard, but it’s also possible. In this session you will learn about unforgiveness, what keeps you stuck to the past and unable to grow in forgiveness. You will discover what forgiveness isn’t. Why it’s important to forgive others and how to do it. God commands us to forgive because He first forgave us. When we don’t forgive others, then we don’t grow beyond our hurt, and we don’t grow in Christ. ©2021




Disciple: Walking Into the Next Chapter


33 min. Are you ready for an adventure? Well, the stage is now set for you to grow into a steadfast relationship with Jesus that will last your lifetime. In this session you will see how, as disciples of Christ, we run the race of life. We get to know who we are in God’s eyes and how to defeat the enemy. In this session, we’ll look at how to make being a disciple your way of life. You’ll learn to tear down strongholds and work out God's goals for your life. Finally, you will learn how to continually walk in freedom and discover the key to radical transformation. ©2021




Disciple: Action Story


32 min. It’s time to take your place in God’s plans for your life. Are you ready to do the works God has prepared for you? You have the freedom to choose where you go from here. In this final session you will look at what God is inviting you to do with the rest of your story, how to join Him, and how to be an ambassador for Jesus. God wants you to declare that Jesus came to give full life and discover His plan for you! Are you ready? ©2021

