First Year Pack


Mommy Work


16 min. Balancing family and work is a challenge with only 24 hours in a day. How can you manage these two full-time jobs and do both well? After all, there are only so many hours in a day, and a few of those need to involve sleep! When both your boss and your family require 100 percent of your time and energy, how can you strike a healthy balance? We’ll take a look at how to balance work and family in this video, as well as how to take great care of yourself! Topics include: first year • anytime • balance • priorities • family time • housework • school • activities • self-time • stress • boundaries • electronics • relationships • motivation • discouragement. Closed Captioning English ©2018




Being a Super Mom


19 min. Mommies have to stretch like Elastigirl and wear lots of capes, all at the same time. In addition to scaling large buildings in a single bound, you also have to be organized and run your family like a well-oiled machine to make it all work. Ever wish you could use the Lasso of Truth with your kids? Well, keep your magic bracelets on, girl, ’cuz this video will give you tips on how to stay organized and on time, meet the needs of your family, and maintain your superhero status! Topics include: • first year • boundaries • prioritize • time priorities • truth • honesty • safe, loving homes • listening • valuing kids • organization • freedom • unconditional love. Closed Captioning English ©2018




Car Seat Safety


39 min. Parents are responsible for keeping their children safe, including traveling safely with them. Car seat recommendations and laws frequently change and vary by state. Add to that the stress of figuring out which car seat is right for your child and your car, and how to install and use it correctly. It can feel overwhelming for a parent making these important decisions. This video will help sort through the choices a parent has when faced with selecting the right car seat. It will also give tips on correctly installing a car seat, and where to go for help if it is too confusing. Finally, this video will cover how to correctly use the seat once it is installed so parents can feel confident their children are traveling safely. Topics include: second trimester • third trimester • after birth • inertia • LATCH • seat belts • tethers • NHTSA • rear-facing • state laws • installation • infant-only seats • convertible car seats • all-in-one car seat • forward-facing • combination car seat • booster seats. Closed Captioning English Medically Reviewed May 2024 ©2023




Mommy Nutrition


22 min. Let’s see . . . the choice between a Snickers bar for lunch or a healthy alternative. The decision is tough, isn’t it? It’s hard to choose what is good over what feels good. This video looks at why a mommy’s nutritional needs are important and how you can make healthy choices 90 percent of the time, so you don’t have to feel guilty about those occasional “feel good” choices. We’ll look at what your nutritional needs really are and how you can easily meet them with just a little planning. Topics include: • processed foods • junk food • emotional eating • habits • nutrition • • fruits and vegetables • whole grains • proteins • dairy • oils • Closed Captioning English ©2019




Preventing Child Sexual Abuse


29 min. Protecting their children from harm is every parent’s responsibility and concern. Finding out their child was sexually abused is a parent’s worst nightmare. Ninety percent of sexual abuse happens to victims who know and trust their abusers. So, what can you do to protect your child in a day and age when pornography is easily accessible and “stranger danger” is no longer the greatest threat? Are sleepovers still safe, or should they be avoided? This video answers these questions and takes a close look at what child sexual abuse is, how to teach your children to be safe, how parents can spot potentially unsafe situations for their children, and what you should do if you suspect your child was abused. Topics include: • third trimester • any time after birth • laws • sexual fondling • oral sex • intercourse • peeping • flashing • pornography • ”stranger danger” • risks • dating • red flags • behavioral signs • grooming • communication • boundaries • secrets • sleepovers • reporting. Closed Captioning English Medically Reviewed July 2024 ©2017




Childhood Immunizations


21 min. In this lesson, you'll discover the crucial role of vaccines in safeguarding your child's health. We'll unravel the science behind how vaccines work, explore their creation process, and discuss why they're essential for individual and community protection. You’ll learn about the recommended vaccines, the diseases they prevent, and practical tips for preparing your child for vaccinations. By understanding these elements, you'll be better equipped to make informed decisions and confidently protect your child’s future. Topics include immunizations, vaccines, preparation for vaccinations, why vaccinate, how vaccines work, and general immunization side effects. ©2024






22 min. Sudden-Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, is a frightening and confusing subject for most parents. Much research over the years has led to many different recommendations that have greatly reduced the chances of an infant dying unexpectedly. Should you be reasonably worried about SIDS? What can you do to reduce the risk of SIDS happening to your baby? And how important is it to follow these recommendations? This video will answer these questions and help parents have peace of mind about SIDS by providing a game plan to reduce the risk of SIDS dramatically for their babies. Topics include: • third trimester • any time after birth • sudden infant death syndrome • suffocation • strangulation • unknown death • reduce • back to sleep • firm sleeping surface • crib safety • recommendations • co-sleeping • smoking • smoke exposure • pacifiers • breastfeeding • swaddling • overheating • vaccines. Closed Captioning English Medically Reviewed May 2024 ©2017




Newborn Sickness


25 min. Colds, influenza, stomach bugs, rashes, and other bacterial or viral infections—these are many of the illnesses parents face when raising children. How should you treat a fever, avoid dehydration, or cope with a nasty cold? Most illnesses can be treated at home. This video looks at the common potential illnesses an infant may contract within their first year of life, as well as how to treat them. We’ll look at what should go into your home first-aid kit, ways to help prevent or keep from spreading illness, and when you should see your medical provider. Topics include: • newborn • illness • fevers • dehydration • respiratory illness • colds • RSV • respiratory syncytial virus • flu • ear infections • gastroesophageal reflux • spit up • colic • gastroenteritis • stomach flu • constipation • impetigo • hand-foot-mouth disease • diaper rash • bacterial • viral • fungal • allergies • eczema. Closed Captioning English Medically Reviewed July 2024 ©2018




Infant Accidents


17 min. Bringing a new baby home is exciting. But keeping her safe can be stressful! As she grows, she begins to kick and push with her legs, grab at things, roll over, and crawl. These exciting milestones can cause you lots of worries about keeping your baby safe. In this video, we discuss how to prevent and plan for childhood accidents, as well as look at the most common accidents infants can have. We also talk about what to do if your baby gets hurt. Topics include: • infants • accidents • falls • scrapes • cuts and abrasions • bruises • bug bites • stings • prevention • head injuries • drowning • burns/scalds • choking and suffocation • poisoning. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2021




Infant CPR


20 min. Newscasts are filled with stories about SIDS, drownings, accidents, and other scenarios involving babies and children. Knowing that you are responsible for keeping your baby safe can be frightening for any parent. What would you do if your child was choking or stopped breathing? Could you save your baby’s life? This video instructs parents or caregivers on how to perform choking and CPR procedures on a baby if they have a breathing or cardiac emergency. While this does not replace an accredited CPR class, this video will familiarize a person on these important lifesaving steps. Topics include: • third trimester • after birth • cardiopulmonary resuscitation • breathing • choking • CPR • compressions • CAB • blood circulation • airway • emergency • unresponsive. Closed Captioning English Medically Reviewed May 2024 ©2021




Infant Nutrition


22 min. There are many nutrients your baby needs to thrive. Putting it all together may seem like a complex chemistry assignment. While much goes into providing your infant with a healthy diet, whether you’re breastfeeding, using formula, or eventually introducing solid foods, it’s really not complicated. Your own healthy diet establishes a positive pattern for your family. No matter which feeding method you use, the same nutrients that keep you healthy will keep your baby healthy, too. This video looks at the type of nutrients and the balanced diet your baby needs to thrive and grow. Topics include: third trimester • after birth • vitamins • minerals • carbohydrates • nutrients • fatty acids • breast milk • formula • proteins • iron • folate • zinc • solid foods • food allergies • hives • rashes • swelling • sneezing • breathing problems • stomach symptoms • peanuts • eggs • soy • wheat • shellfish • cow milk. Closed Captioning English ©2017




Baby On the Move


26 min. Even before your baby was born, she was on the move. Much of her physical development before and after birth leads to her ultimate goals of standing and walking. From the earliest milestones to when she is finally walking, skipping, and jumping, a baby must learn many new skills along the way. This video will walk a parent through the developmental milestones that ultimately lead to their baby’s first steps. It will also offer helpful tips to create a safe environment for a baby’s exploration, and what to do if she comes to a bump in the road, in which their baby is not hitting those key milestones. Topics include: • any time after birth • reflexes • startle reflex • rooting reflex • stepping reflex • grasping reflex • rolling over • pushing up • sitting up • crawling • bear crawl • belly crawl • commando crawl • bottom scooter • crab crawl • rolling crawl • safety • pulling up • standing • walking. Closed Captioning English©2017




Getting Your Baby to Sleep


18 min. When baby don’t sleep, mama don’t sleep, either! It’s hard getting your baby to sleep long enough so you can get adequate sleep, too! It can turn any of us into “mombies,” you know, “mom-zombies”! Why do babies sleep for such short stretches of time, and when can you expect yours to sleep through the night? What is a normal sleep cycle, and what makes a baby a “good” sleeper? This video will answer these questions, help you through some common sleep challenges, and provide tips on how to get your baby into a sleep cycle you can both live and sleep with! Topics include: • newborn thru first year • newborn sleep • sleep cycle • sleep habits • sleep environments • sleep/wake cycle • self-soothing • cry-it-out • naps • SIDS • night waking • swaddling • bedtime routine • sleeping at night. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2019






24 min. We love our babies, but we hate their crying—especially the inconsolable crying that you can’t fix! It’s hard to listen to, and it makes us so emotional! It evokes feelings from deep within! You may be wondering, Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? Or worse, Is there something wrong with my baby? There may even be a niggling, little voice inside wondering, Am I a bad parent? This video answers all those questions and talks about ways you can soothe your baby and what to do if you can’t stop the crying! Topics include: • crying • cry • hungry • soothe • excessive crying • inconsolable • fussy periods • infant colic • crying stage • different cries • baby’s temperament. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2020




Quality Child Care


21 min. Choosing child care that is right for you and your child can be difficult. This video covers the possible problems to look for, what types of care are available, and the questions that should be asked at a child care facility. Also covered are the following topics: defining what you want, family and friends, licensed family child care homes, licensed day-care facilities, locating a center, checking out facilities, centers you should stay away from. The information on this video is simple and easily accessible with a 7.2 Flesch–Kincaid Grade Level score. Topics include: • caregivers • childcare centers • babysitters • child care homes • day care facilities • early learning programs • child care program • preschool programs • hands-on learning • early childhood teachers. Closed Captioning English Fact Sheet updated November 2020 - ©2015




Understanding Your Infant


21 min. Probably one of the scariest things in life is bringing home your newborn for the first time and realizing, I DON’T COMPLETELY KNOW WHAT I’M DOING! Well, give yourself a big hug, ’cuz most parents feel the same way! After all, babies can’t really tell you what they need . . . or can they? In this video, we discuss how you can understand your baby’s needs and how they communicate, their personality, and how they learn and grow. We’ll also talk about how you can take great care of yourself and line up the support you need. Topics include: • newborn • baby’s needs • crying • baby’s personality • developmental milestones • cognitive milestones • social and emotional milestones • movement milestones • language milestones • moodiness • understand my baby • growing up • temperament. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2020




0-3 Months: Infant Expectations


24 min. In the first three months, it may seem that all your baby does at first is eat, sleep, dirty her diaper, and repeat. But really, a lot of changes occur as your newborn discovers life outside the womb. They are developing physical strength, learning to communicate and interact with you, and taking in all the sights and sounds of their new world. And to top it off, they are hitting important milestones that start them on their way to growing up! In this video, we talk about what milestones are and the milestones your baby should be hitting by three months. Topics include: • three months • newborn • milestones • zero- to three-month range • child development • physical development • grasp reflex • supervised tummy time • vision • hearing • speech and language • social milestones • emotional milestones. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2020




3-6 Months: Infant Expectations


20 min. When your baby was born, the only sounds she made were contented coos and grunts when eating or loud wails when she needed you. But just six months later, your smart little baby is babbling newly discovered sounds like, “mmmm,” and vowels like “ah,” which, when strung together, will be music to your ears! And your excited squeals encourage her in just the right way. In this video, we talk about the development you’ll see in your baby in the three- to six-month range and how you can encourage and help your baby learn. Topics include: • three to six months • language and communication • social and emotional milestones • cognitive milestones • development • normal expected age ranges • infant milestones • movement milestones • physical development • baby’s personality • interacting with baby. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2020




6-9 Months: Infant Expectations


20 min. “You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” And just as Dr. Seuss suggests, your baby is discovering her mobility! She is beginning to move around on her own and interact with her family members and other familiar people in her life. Her brain is developing so quickly, and she is learning so much! In this video, we talk about your baby’s brain development and the milestones you’ll see her hitting by nine months! Topics include: • six to nine months • brain development • movement milestones • language milestones • communication milestones • social milestones • emotional milestones • cognitive milestones • when to call the provider • brain connections • motor development • pincer grip • fear of strangers • crawling • simple words • passing objects. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2020




9-12 Months: Infant Expectations


19 min. It’s hard to believe your baby is getting ready to hit her first birthday! That’s epic! She has changed so much from when she was first born! Soon you’ll have a toddler to chase after! And with this comes a bit of independence that can create some insecurity for both you and your baby. In this video, we talk about those milestones your baby will hit by one year and the things you can do to help your child adjust to her newfound independence. Topics include: • nine to twelve months • baby’s mind • movement milestones • language milestones • communication milestones • social milestones • emotional milestones • brain growth • walking • cruising • nonverbal communication • talking • shy around strangers • easily distracted • use of cup • explores things • finds hidden things. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2020




Teething Time


22 min. Most babies will develop teeth between six and twelve months of age. Teeth are an important part of a child’s health and development. In this lesson, you will learn the physical effects of teething. We will discuss teething and breastfeeding and the do’s and don’ts of soothing a child during this phase. Topics include: • teething • teething necklaces • teething bracelets • teething beads • teething rings • benzocaine • belladonna • breastfeeding • soothing teething pain • drooling • fussiness • fever • loss of appetite. Closed Captioning English ©2022

