Love Lessons Pack


Sex is Awesome!


8 min. God created sex, and it is awesome! He wants it to be awesome for you—He really does! But great sex comes with boundaries that protect your health, your heart, and your spirit. In this first video of her seven-part series, “Love Lessons,” Pam Stenzel talks about the one perfect boundary that keeps sex safe, uncomplicated, and satisfying. This boundary will give you freedom that leads to respect, intimacy, and trust with the one to whom you can safely give your whole heart. Topics include: • sex is awesome • sex • boundaries • consequences • unintended pregnancy • marriage • relationship with God • sacrament • covenant • “I didn’t know” • decisions. ©2020




Pregnancy is Not a Disease


14 min. What is treated like the biggest “disease” of most sexually active teens and single young adults? Pregnancy! Newsflash: Pregnancy’s not a disease—it’s what your body was intended to do! The real fear should be sexually transmitted diseases! In this second video of her seven-part series, “Love Lessons,” Pam Stenzel unpacks the costs and consequences of sex outside a mutually exclusive, monogamous relationship. She also shares keys to success and how you can experience love in a way you’ve never experienced before! Topics include: • pregnancy is not a disease • pregnancy • disease • STIs • adoption • pregnancy choices • abortion • rape • parenting • success sequence • help • support • danger • opportunity. ©2020






19 min. These ain’t your grandparents’ STDs! Today there are far more sexually transmitted diseases to worry about than there were fifty years ago, as well as a higher rate of infection. STD/STIs are an epidemic in our country, and many cause infertility, cancer, and even death. In this third video of her seven-part series, “Love Lessons,” Pam Stenzel breaks down the different STD/STIs, both viral and bacterial, incurable and curable, along with the heavy costs they have on your health, heart, and life. Topics include: • STIs • safe sex • no sex • over 30 STIs • two types of STIs • viral STI • bacterial STI • no symptoms • STI testing • chlamydia • HIV • pelvic inflammatory disease • reproductive system • human papilloma virus (HPV) • cervix • pap smear • condoms • herpes • oral sex. ©2020






18 min. Do you have trouble attracting the right kind of guy? Do you find yourself in a relationship with losers who always break your heart? Do you feel like a hamster on a wheel, never getting anywhere with love? Why does that happen? How can you change it? Change starts first by looking at yourself. We often attract exactly what we are and not what we pretend to be. In this fourth video of her seven-part series, “Love Lessons,” Pam Stenzel breaks down character, how to be the person you want to attract, how to build integrity, and where it all starts! So, throw away that dating app and swipe right to a better you! Topics include: • character • character development • sex • biological need • spirit • soul • physical act • sexual integrity • living together • permanent relationships • healthy relationships • opposite attractions. ©2020




Dangers of Porn


17 min. Spoiler alert: Pornography is not harmless. Did you really think it was? Most porn shows strong images of violence against women and sends the terrible message that sex is about violence, power, and crushing women. Is this what you want your guy to think? It also teaches young women to accept abuse, violence, and pain. In the fifth video of her seven-part series, “Love Lessons,” Pam Stenzel takes a hard look at how porn, sexting, and some dating apps are hurting our relationships and changing our culture in negative ways. Topics include: • pornography • cybersex • devalues people • dehumanizes people • crushing women • violence • porn addiction • sexting • dating apps • sexually explicit photos • intimacy • relationships. ©2020




Your Heart


17 min. Have you been hurt over and over again by your choices? Do you feel hopeless when it comes to love? Well, there is hope and healing when it comes to your heart, and it starts with Jesus. In the sixth video of her seven-part series, “Love Lessons,” Pam Stenzel lays out a plan of hope and healing through stories of women in the Bible who were hurt by their poor choices, and the forgiveness they received from their Savior. Forgiveness and change are yours for the asking. Topics include: • your heart • sex • marriage • your soul • healing • hope • forgiveness • grace of God • woman at the well • woman in adultery • recycled virgin. ©2020




Protect Yourself


15 min. Do you want to make great changes in your life? You know, the ones in which you build integrity, put in place healthy boundaries, and choose to wait for a healthy relationship? How do you stick to your resolve? How do you heal from past choices that have a stronghold on you? In this final video of her seven-part series, “Love Lessons,” Pam Stenzel lays out a plan to protect yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually—body, mind, and spirit—so you can end the years of pain, tears, and struggle when it comes to love. Topics include: • protect yourself • accountability partner • remove temptation • guard your heart • guard your mind • guard your eyes • guard your body • group dating • never meet alone • communicate values • communicate boundaries • healthy relationships • unhealthy relationships • share your boundaries. ©2020




The Whole Sex Talk: Talking With Our Kids About Sex


23 min. This session motivates clients by seeing the realities of a sex-saturated culture, and its effect on individuals. From a funny look back at sex ed in the 1950s to the in-your-face messages of today, it gives you background and understanding as to why these conversations are important and encourages participants. Topics include: •1950 •Sex •foundation •Code •Lyrics •Lifting the veil •Curiousity •Father figure •Media •Peers Copyright © 2016 Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids




The Whole Sex Talk: Confronting the Past


29 min. Take the leap together to learn the “whys” of sex. Real people tell their stories about sex and relationship choices and how they shaped their lives forever. Some of these stories may resonate with your own understandings/experiences, or those of your clients. Topics include: •Sex •Past •Confrontation •Marriage •God's design •Principles •Rules •Boundaries •Transparency •Reconciliation •Sin •Forgiveness Copyright © 2016 Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids




The Whole Sex Talk: Pregnancy and Abortion


29 min. LESSON CONTAINS HONEST AND DESCRIPTIVE TESTIMONIALS PERTAINING TO PREGNANCY, ABORTION, ABORTION PROCEDURES, AND SUBSEQUENT EMOTIONAL CONSEQUENCES. Be sensitive to individuals as DEEP WOUNDS MAY SURFACE. This session offers a look at an honest and tough series of testimonials, thought-provoking facts, and critical reality checks. Healing encouragement included! Topics include: •Sex •Pregnancy •Abortion •SLED argument •Spirit •Body •Emotions •Size •Level of Development •Environment •Degree of dependency •STI's •STD's •Chlamydia •HIV •HPV •AIDS Copyright © 2016 Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids




The Whole Sex Talk: Spiritual and Emotional Consequences


33 min. This session offers bulletproof reasons why youth need to watch out for themselves. It also illustrates what can happen if you don’t take a stand for yourself. It includes encouragement for getting back on track, too. While this is important advice for teens and parents of teens, it is true for many who are in relationships! Topics include: •Sex •Emotional Consequences •Spiritual consequences •Guard your heart •Emotions •Beginning of life •Deception •Healing Copyright © 2016 Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids




The Whole Sex Talk: Dating and Relationships


34 min. In this session, we discuss how dating and developing relationships with the opposite sex should be fun. But relationships not done right can be damaging with big consequences. This session helps participants understand the anatomy of relationships, explore the differences between lust and love, the path of physical relationships, and more. Topics include: •Sex •Dating •Relationships •Physical relationship •Adolescent brain •Gray matter •Love •Lust •Same sex attraction •Identity •LGBT •Conflict Copyright © 2016 Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids




The Whole Sex Talk: Image Bearers At Heart


40 min. In session one, we learned that being made in the Image of God is directly related to our sexuality. We learned that God wanted to fill His entire creation with humans, made in His image, reflecting His faithful, loving, creative care of the Earth. In this lesson, the truth that every person bears the Image of their Creator should radically transform how we understand ourselves, our children, and every person. Topics include: •Sex •Image bearer •Heart •God's image •Love languages •Affirmation •Affection •Achievement •Quality Time •Physical Touch •Acts of Service •Gifts •Relationships Copyright © 2016 Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids

