Parenting Pack


Creating Motivation


18 min. “I want it, and I want it now!” If you enticed your child with the reward of two marshmallows for waiting just fifteen minutes before eating the first one, would she do it? Does she have the self-discipline to delay gobbling one sugary treat right away in order to have two in the future? Self-discipline is hard for all of us, but it’s especially hard for our kids. So, how can you motivate your kids to hold off for a better reward? In this video, we’ll give you three basic parenting rules that, along with a few goals and expectations, will help give your kids the skills they need to have better self-discipline. Topics include: • parenting • creating motivation • self-discipline • delayed gratification • parental involvement • sense of safety • consistency • love and acceptance • setting goals • set expectations • communicate expectations • self-reliance. ©2019




Creating Honesty


19 min. We’ve all caught our kids in a lie or two. We’ve even told a few ourselves. Why do kids lie, and can you teach them to tell the truth? In this video, we talk about why people lie, how your reaction to your kids’ lies can, in fact, encourage them to lie, and what you can do to create an environment of honesty in your home to help your kids choose truth over lies. Topics include: • parenting • creating honesty • truth • lies • consequences • courage • celebrate honesty. ©2019




Creating Courage


18 min. Your child dents your neighbor’s car when playing ball in the street. Do they tell you about it, or do they hide it and hope nobody finds out? We want our children to develop into courageous little people who will always do the right thing, even when they’re afraid. But how do you teach courage? Does it come from long lectures on the virtues of being courageous? Should they read about it in a book? Or can we look for everyday opportunities in their lives to teach our children about what it means to be courageous? This video gives tips on how to help your children triumph over their fears and become courageous. Topics include: • parenting • creating courage • admit fear • recognize fear • model courage • follow through • talk to child • encourage courage • teach courage. ©2019




Creating Kindness


19 min. We want our kids to help old ladies cross the street, serve meals to the poor, and befriend lonely kids at school. But how can we teach them to be kind? Where does kindness come from? This video gives tips on finding those teachable moments in everyday life where we can guide our children to choose kindness, and how we can model this value from our own interactions with them to encourage their hearts. Topics include: • parenting • creating kindness • teaching • empathy • communication • random acts of kindness. ©2019




Creating Confidence


21 min. What kind of superhero confidence does it take to carry your child through life? To give them supernatural power over their own actions or to defeat the villains of the schoolyard? In this video, we talk about the three things you can do to help create the superpower of confidence in your child! Topics include: • parenting • creating confidence • bullying • confidence • self-worth • supportive home • childhood friends • talk to child • listen to child • use humor. ©2019






25 min. Attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, can make parenting a challenge, as if it wasn’t already! Whether your child experiences inattentiveness, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, or all three combined, you have your work cut out for you! In this video, we look at what’s true and what’s not about ADHD, four ways you can best support your child and bring peace into your home, and four ways to take great care of yourself while parenting a child with ADHD. Topics include: • parenting • ADHD • attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder • inattentive • hyperactive • impulsive • recognizing ADHD • parenting strategies • behavior therapy • create organization • create routines • work together. ©2019






22 min. Of all the different disorders a child can have, autism ranks as one of the toughest. There is a lot of confusion about it, but there are also many things we know today that can help a child live a happy and purposeful life. In this video, we’ll talk about what autism is, and we dispel few misconceptions about it. We’ll look at the behaviors that could be a red flag for autism in your child. We’ll also talk about how to get the help and support both you and your child need, and the best ways to relate to a child living with autism. Topics include: • parenting • autism-spectrum disorder • celebrate differences • repetitive behaviors • cbsessive behaviors • professional diagnosis. ©2019




Strong-Willed Children


20 min. Do you have a child who is a force to be reckoned with? Who won’t take no for answer, won’t be reasoned with, and won’t do anything they don’t want to do? If so, then you likely have a strong-willed child. Is this good? Is it bad? Can they be taught to comply and cooperate? We’ll talk about these issues and how you can guide your child into becoming the great leader they are destined to be. Topics include: • parenting • strong-willed • parenting styles • authoritarian style • permissive-indulgent style • authoritative style • gaining control • arguing • making own rules • power struggles • self-taught lessons ©2019




Child Anger


21 min. They get so mad! And sometimes we just don’t know why! You expect meltdowns from toddlers, who are just trying to figure out their big feelings. But what about your school-age child? Is her anger normal, or is there something more going on? Are there other intense feelings your child is struggling with? In this video, we talk about what anger can mean, and we’ll give you some great strategies for helping your child understand and manage their big feelings in healthy ways. Topics include: • parenting • child anger • professional diagnosis • anxiety • stress • trauma • developmental differences • stay calm • talk through problems • don’t give in • consequences • positive parenting • cause and effect. ©2019




Sexual Behavior and Children


26 min. Sexual behavior and kids rank high on the parent meter for uncomfortable topics. What are normal, developmental sexual behaviors in a child, and what things should you be concerned about? In this video, we talk about the common sexual behaviors in childhood, from preschool children up to twelve-year-old kids, how you should respond to them, and your important role in shaping your child’s healthy attitudes and behaviors toward sex. Topics include: • parenting • sexual behavior • common sexual behavior • response to sexual behavior • teaching limits • age-appropriate discussion • appropriate terminology • protecting your child. ©2019




Single Parenting During Deployment


20 min. Trying to navigate as a single parent can be difficult in any circumstances, but having a spouse deployed brings unique challenges along with some benefits. This video will help parents prepare for the complications that deployment may bring, and it will look at specific ways to help you and your children to emotionally, mentally, and physically thrive while your service member is away. Having a deployed spouse can bring about frustrating times, but it doesn’t have to! Topics include: • parenting • single parenting • deployment • financial plan • legal issues • childcare • support system • routines • teenagers • communication plan • family stability • continuity • involvement • understanding ©2018




Reunited Parents: Family Unity On Return


21 min. A spouse’s homecoming is an exciting time! It can also be a time of apprehension, elation, restlessness, and many other feelings. Reintegration after living separately for an extended time can create an incredibly stressful circumstance for both parents and children. The reconnection process after deployment can be difficult, and any changes may be challenging to adapt to. In this video, we will look at positive ways to help you and your children reconnect with your spouse, as well as provide support on parenting together during reunification. Topics include: • parenting • reunification • family unity • military return • expectations • honeymoon phase • adjustment phase • integration phase • family role changes • resentments • reconnection • big changes • routine changes • big emotions. ©2018






27 Min. When you dreamed of being a parent, you likely never thought you’d be raising your child between two homes. But even in a split-up, your children need both of you to be there for them, 100 percent! Successful coparenting takes work, strategy, and making the decision to put your children first. We’ll show you how to do that so your kids can have the best chance at life! Topics include: • single parenting • simple decisions • coparenting • communication • compromise • coordination • commitment • failed relationship • best for kids • both parents critical • positive transitions • speak respectfully • parenting agreement • children as pawns • finances • logistics • parenting styles and rules. Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2022




Words Matter - Hurtful Words


15 min. In lesson one we learn that the words we speak to our children matter. The words flow into their ears and settle into the folds of their hearts and the deep spaces of their self-worth. Too often, the words we speak to our children are an echo of those spoken to us as children by our parents. If those words were hurtful and harmful, you can learn a better way. This lesson will give you both information and a plan of action to make sure your words to your children are good for their hearts and self-worth! Topics include: •shame • actions • parenting • character • identity • harsh words • positive words • hurtful Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2022




Words Matter - Silent Words


15 min. Children see the world differently than adults. As parents, we might think “the silent treatment” is just discipline. After all, you’re not using hurtful words. But this is damaging to a child’s emotional well-being. This lesson describes the actions and their impact and gives helpful advice on better options. Topics include: •silent treatment • words • emotional tank • love • cooling off period • parenting skills Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2022




Words Matter - No Words


18 min. Parenting is a delicate art, where actions resonate louder than words. Children are like sponges, absorbing life's lessons by watching the adults around them. When a parent's words align harmoniously with their actions, it creates a powerful and lasting impact. Consistency and authenticity in behavior build trust, making it easier for kids to follow the path set before them. Conversely, when words contradict actions, confusion reigns, and the intended lessons lose their potency. Effective parenting blends role modeling, open communication, and positive reinforcement to instill values and behaviors that shape children into responsible and empathetic individuals, poised for a bright future. Topics include: •No words •words •perception •vision •hearing •brain •daily word count •image processor •respect •actions •honesty •social learning theory •Bobo Doll Experiment Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2022




Words Matter - Magic Words


24 min. Imagine children as delicate, vibrant blossoms in the garden of life, each one unique and filled with endless potential. Just like flowers, they need the nourishment of positivity and validation to truly flourish. But it's not just about showering them with empty praise; it's about using the magic of the right words to unlock their incredible growth. Discover how to use 'magic words' that penetrate their hearts, fostering growth. These skills not only enhance your bond but also deftly resolve conflicts, turning words into tools of connection and understanding. Topics include: •magic words •words •anger •emotions •feelimgs •validation •validating response •listen •hearing •acknowledge •fanciful response •silly response •emotional language •respect •setting boundaries •nonetheless Closed Captioning English/Spanish ©2022

